Gloaming 3 Besides the pond oil on board

Gloaming 3 Besides the pond Heights Farm Lancashire oil on board
Do we imagine things in the gloamin? Do we really feel a real change in energy?  I'm referring to that point or moment when the dark descends to a  hush and all birds fowl and animals mark a distinct end point in the daily song of the land. Almost as if  mother nature holds her breath a hush or  stillness much like that in a moment of silent prayer a meditation. In the trees next to my favourite Barn a small owl squeaks its way into the evening and up on the hill top by the pond movement carries on in silence.

Night slides over the land as does dawn in an endless planetary dance. So powerful is our earth and yet so fragile, the gloaming is like the wings of a butterfly. I've come to be a regular by the pond though most days are wet.This piece is a remembered one,  a look a lingering  moment and then a dash down the hill up and over the increasingly bogy style where the brood mares live and into the studio to paint. Te greatest stress is have I marked the floor which equates with paint it get it on and dont touch it.


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