Oil paintings of the English Lake District Haystacks and Great Gable by Rob Miller

Great gable summer blues from Inominate Tarn Haystacks
Oil on Canvas 30x30cm Rob Miller

Inominate Tarn  rising clouds late morning
70x70cm Oil on Canvas Rob Miller

Along with a lightening storm on Fairfield, a Gale Force ten with rain at midnight on the Nan Bield Pass, heatstroke and dehydration on Scafell,   getting lost on Haystacks for a few hours on a wet drizzle day has to be one of the Lakeland Fell experiences that I remember. Why? well for the sheer joy of the mist rising and the dawning realisation of where I was. Since then its become a favourite one in a list of the Fell tops that I like to revisit. Though small in stature in a mist Haystacks crags and steep drops can look alarming. I've taken to re exploring this lovely Fell in paint here are a couple of works in progress painted in oil.


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