Northern urban outskirts 1 Painting by Rob Miller

Painting above Manchester artist Rob Miller
Work in progress inspired by the exhibition I saw  at the Tate in Liverpool, here I am developing an approach that try's to marry Twombly, Turtner and Monet As I work I am trying to get that emotional response to the decay of rural business, farms and homes which are gradually sinking  back into the ground were they appeared from. This seems to occur more in areas away from the urban sprawls or moterways etc.. Other work on the easel concerns similar properties which are closer to towns they are now half hidden in a mass of modern build or exist shiny and new looking in the green belt areas. I am also inspired here more and more by Camile Pissarro's understanding of similar changes in France in the last century. 

My brushwork here is more mixed and intermingled with weak washes of dripped paint, scrumbling, dragging and wiping off the paint layers overlaid with heavier dragged paint. I will have to work hard on myself not to over paint these works I'm reminded in this as I watch the film the lives of others, these dirty old farms cracked walls witnessed the grime of the the last century and the grime of returning decay of the 21st Century whatever the cloth that they wear now...


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