Painters notes April Brinscall 12.30
West Pennine Brinscall Moor waterolour A5 |
Inspired by the writings off Robert Macfarlane The Old Ways,
Philip Jaccottet Landscape with Absent figures
John Wylie Vanishing points:an essay on landscape, memory and belongings
Robinson Stones of Arran
Whilst I'm outdoors painting or just walking, sometimes with sketch book or iphone, I often write short notes on paper or in my iphone notes app. The notes are like memorandums on a visual moment that's just occurred. These moments are those.which in a series of moments seem more important because they have an indescribable absence of something that whilst I know is tangible is at the same time indistinct. a little like deja vu. . I had thought that it was just a personal thing a memory or a chance combination of micro events that enabled a sense of the familiar. Whatever i make a note at the time and other significant things because it seems that these moments can make a day; for me real painters are like poets. To experience a moment intensely and remember it richly. Poets call this poetry
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