In the studio South Lakes series work in progress

Studio a three of the medium sized South lakes paintings on the esel
and floor alongside a larger Striding Edge in the 
background and an 
unfinished painting of Iona in the Western Isles

Troutbeck twisting lane and old barn in the midsummer
oil on board linen
Lower Vallery Kentmere in midsummer
oil on linen board

Upper valley Kentmere in mid summer
oil on linen board
Painting  for me is about exploring what I see and about trying new ways of experiencing them. For the South Lakes series I was entranced by the light of both summer and winter and how I could represent them. I had already spent a couple of sunshine days down by the River Leven below Windermere and think with these smaller works in mind I have continued with the study of light captured in individual brush marks. The lake District has its own Lake District Genre developed amongst local painters both alive and dead.It is difficult not to be influenced by them and to plow my own furrow.

Sparkling light River Levens
oil on board 20x30cm

Late Summer colours i a deep pond on the River Leven
oi on board

See this work at studio 11 Falcon Mill Studios Handel Street Bolton 


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